Karnivores and You

C.P. of the moment
Drosera sp. 'floating'

One of the most striking rosetted sundews ! An easy grower.

Tillandsia of the moment

This Tillandsia is covered with an armor of hairs to absorb water and resist the very strong sun on the high plateaus of the Andes.

Legal mentions

Conception and realization

ADIPSO, SARL with a 7500,00 euro-capital, head office located 2b Allée des Romains, WOLFISHEIM (67202), FRANCE.

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<!-- si personne physique --> <!---- si personne Morale -- -->Company name KARNIVORES
SIRET number  44343411300025

Address : voie communale 1 Mittlerer Erlen Weg 68000 Colmar, FRANCE
E-mail :
Telephone number : 09 79 21 87 41

The publication director's name is Alain Kern.

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l'agence web Adipso
localisée à Strasbourg, Alsace